
Sunday, September 2, 2012

papa and auntie saige visit!

oh blogging, you are a double edged sword... i love you and hate you at the same time. i'm behind again, trying to get over it and just catch up! last, last weekend my dad and saige drove up to see us. we had a relaxing weekend and spent some time outside and at parks and you know doing things revolving around what a 1point5 year old likes. that's how we roll these days. thanks for coming to visit us, we love seeing your faces. 

beckett would like you to sit by him... riiiight here

 we tried to do a layered photo... saige is a photo hog though

 saige's hair is wild and free... like the waves

 being this tall is the funniest

 our cutie cute family!

 i love him... a lot

i had to crop saige out... her face was crazy, you're welcome saige. also, beckett is now smiling like he is maybe about to bite someone. we are working on that.

my dad found a dog. we named her daphne. then he found her owners... and her name was really lady. daphne was a way better name.

isn't this precious? b really loves his auntie.

swing time... do you love b's new lounge pants from his yiayia?

 oh, you kids...

is it just me or is he very, very adorable

getting ready for a picnic

quick power nap...

lunch time!

i have seen many a child cry on this spin thingie, but b loves it

 um... this is the end of the pictures. see you soon dad... and saige... and will. 

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