Sunday, October 7, 2012

beckett kol at 21 months

our sweet boy is 21 months today. he has officially out grown his 18 month clothes and is wearing 2t. i almost cried over it... no more months to judge his size... just full on years! gah. he is changing daily, his vocabulary grows by the second, he is absorbing everything all. the. time. he truly no longer feels like a baby, but is really a little boy with preferences and opinions and it kills me. slow down little one! so... here we go, update!

nicknames: b...beeker...bucket...beezer...bucky

you are in a serious mama phase. you only want mama preparing your food, giving you a bath, changing your diaper, putting you down to sleep. i basically have to hide if somebody else is going to help with anything. "no! mama!!!" is your phrase of choice these days. i'm trying to appreciate it, and i will surely remind you of these days when you are a punk teenager who can't get far enough away from his mom. 

you have a pretty bad chocolate milk addiction. you went from hating milk and most dairy products in general to having a deep love for "choc-ie" as you call it. we cut it with a lot of regular milk so  it's not so terrible for you, and you can't get enough. the other day you drank the last of the chocolate milk we had and asked for more. i told you we were all out, but i could get you some juice or water. you put the empty cup in my hand, looked me in the eyes, and said "mama. listen. more chooooooc-ieeee please." 

you are getting crazy with your imaginative play. you play with baby dolls all day long at the sigl's house. you feed them and put them to bed and soothe them when they cry. for some reason your babies cry a lot. you spend a lot of time rocking them and telling them, "shhhhh. okay baby okay." you build houses with your blocks for your farm animals, you have lots of conversations on the phone (anything can be a phone), and you do a lot of fake cooking. watching your little brain at work while you play is the cutest thing in the history of things.

you no longer nurse and you go to bed awake. dad has taken over the bed time routine and you read stories and then have precious adorable cuddle time together before bed. you are a serious snuggler. i will be very sad when those days are over. also... you have started calling yourself bucket. 

i could write a million things because you change so much all the time. you talk so much in sentences now (the middles are a little garbled sometimes), you have a very boyish sense of humor (it's gross, why are farts so funny?), you are pretty polite... very generous with the thank you's, and your face is so cute we can hardly stand it. we are thankful every single day that you are a part of our lives. 

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