Wednesday, October 9, 2013

beckett kol at 33 months

33 months... that's 2 and 3/4. so, that's crazy. i  super slacked on writing this and now i have the tricky job of trying to remember what was happening a few months ago. darn me for being a lazy slacker. this is such a loveable age and such a challenging age and such an emotional age, it is the most fun and the most hard and the most silly. mostly, we love it and always we love you. 

nicknames: b... beckett kol... beezers

aunt saige is living with us right now and you love having her around and being part of our family dynamic. you have a game on the ipad that you like to play called my playhouse. it's basically a house with a bunch of rooms and a family living in it and you can move the people around the house and have them interact with things in the house. you can change their clothes and have them eat food and brush their teeth and go to bed and just do regular human things. the family in the house is a mom, a dad, a girl, a boy, and a gender neutral baby. i was playing with you the other day and you had the boy (who you think is you) jumping on a trampoline outside. i told you that i wanted to jump on the trampoline too and that you should have the mama also do some jumping. you quickly grabbed the little girl and put her on the trampoline. i was confused and told you that i said i wanted the mama to do jumping. you said, "yes... the mama is jumping with the beckett boy, i put her on the trampoline." i pointed to the actual "mom" and asked you who that lady was if the little girl was me. "that's the aunt saige. she is like the mom, but she is a little bit bigger." 

you started preschool and you are doing so great! you have never shed a tear over going. you aren't always in love with the idea of heading over there so early in the morning, but you never put up a fight. you can hardly ever tell us anything about school. when i ask who you played with, you insist that you played with just harper and that is it! you tell me every time that all there was for snack was juice... which i know is not correct. sometimes, if i am lucky i can get you to tell me what your special job was for the day. sometimes you get to feed the fish, or water the plants, or pick the reading book. i can't imagine you just on your own interacting with the teachers and other kids and i love all the craft projects you bring home. so many craft projects. you are just getting too big. 

you have started potty training. it's going okay. probably you aren't exactly ready, but you needed to be out of diapers for preschool, so we are giving it a shot. you are very sneaky and when we make you sit on the toilet you always manage to get at least a tiny bit of pee out, so that you can get a piece of candy for a reward. you are always negotiating your reward too. you don't get too crazy, but if you are supposed to get 1 mnm, you will always say, "can i maybe get 2?" and if we agree, "oh... maybe even 3?" how about the whole bag for those two drops of urine? seems fair. 

you graduated from the crib to a big boy bed. it's pretty much the cutest thing that has ever happened. matt or i (usually matt) will get in your bed with you and read a story and then do some snuggling. you will always be full of idle chatter, "isn't this bed so cozy?" "do you want to snuggle with my little baby?" "is there some water by my bed in case i get thirsty?" and then suddenly you will state, "okay! that's enough talking... it's time to go to sleep now." as if we were the ones chattering away and you were just trying to get some rest. sometimes you will tell us that you are ready for us to go to our own bed. every once in a while you get up during the night and come to our room, but mostly you sleep the whole night in your bed. you've taken to the big bed so easily and quickly... it is a blessing! and you look so tiny in a twin bed! it's adorable. and no surprise that you feel the need to fill all that empty space with a million sleep buddies. it makes your dad crazy, but i think it's funny.

you have started really getting into potty humor. i know it's a little boy thing and totally hilarious to you, but it makes me cringe. the other day i asked you what you wanted to eat for lunch and you said, "well... maybe i could have some... poop?" i turned and looked at your face and you had this silly grin and your eyebrows were raised, just looking like, "you get it? funny... right? i said poop." and then you decided you didn't care how i felt about your comment because you knew it was the funniest thing you could have ever said and you just cracked up laughing. sometimes you will just say the word "poop" totally out of context and for no reason and just laugh and laugh about it. gah. anybody who knows me at all, knows i can't stand potty humor and i will not indulge you one bit. i just tell you right away that i don't think its funny. on the flip side, you have made it pretty clear that you DO think it's funny and my opinion on it is not all that important. 

we spent a good part of this summer with the sigl girls going swimming and to parks and museums and zoos. you are starting to really enjoy it all. it is so fun to see you be more interactive and involved everywhere we go. you have a very sweet heart... you love to cuddle and hug and you feel incredibly sad and guilty if you accidentally (or intentionally!) hurt somebody. you're fiercely independent, which can often be totally frustrating for everybody involved. if i had a nickel for every time i heard, "no! i'm doing it myself!" i'd be a rich lady. you dilly-dally all day long. it is impossible to rush you along with anything. if i beg you to hurry, you'll say, "yeah! okay! let's hurry... we need to go quick!" but in actuality you do not hurry or go quick and often stop whatever you're doing completely to discuss how you should be going faster. ohhhh... it's a good thing in those stressful moments i can look at your face and just not be that mad because you're so cute and ridiculous and easy to love.

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