Friday, July 11, 2014

beckett kol at 42 months

3 and a half! might as well be 15, am i right? we are loving getting to experience beckett in his new role of big brother! he of course seemed instantly gigantic compared to his tiny little brother and he is just so capable... when you see him next to a do-nothing newborn. (harsh, i know, but true.) adjusting to being a family of four is huge and scary and fun and we are so thankful to have beckett as our oldest guy!

nicknames: b... beck

when you hurt yourself you are painfully stubborn about revealing any information. we will ask you what you hurt and you will scream, "I WILL NEVER TELL YOU WHAT IS HURTING!" through your sobs. you will also not reveal what hurt you or what happened. it can be quite infuriating. and mysterious. 

you have started watching commercials and you want everything! way to go marketing professionals. you will quote the taglines of the commercials back to us, "i need those jammies! it's a stuffed animal friend i can wear for nighttime fun!" you even ask for foods that you have tried and don't like. and things that are not toys or food... like the swiffer wet jet. you really think you could use a wet jet. we have never bought you anything off a commercial, but you are hopeful that one day something will change our minds. 

beckett quote
holding two hairbrushes 6.27.14
"which brush should i use?"
"the brown one."
"actually, that one doesn't have very much experience, so i'll use the other one."

you are a big brother and you're loving it! you really want to be able to hold heath on your own and find it quite annoying that we make you sit down to hold him. of course you were just biding your time, waiting for a chance to pick that baby up. one day heath was sleeping in his swing in our bedroom. you were playing in your bedroom with toys. i walked to your room and told you that i was going to run downstairs and send out an email. you asked where heath was and i told you. i had been downstairs about two minutes and i heard heath give out a little yell. i bolted up around the corner of the staircase, just in time to see you running by into your bedroom...your arms outstretched, cradling heath. my heart absolutely stopped. i calmly called your name and you walked to the top of the stairs, still holding heath (surprisingly well, supported head and everything). "heath woke up! i was just getting him for you! i tried to tell him, 'shh, shh, no crying heath,' but he was still crying." good lord. we have had a big talk about never picking up the baby, and you have never tried it again. 

beckett quote
lying on our bed 5.20.14
"this is so cozy. it's a perfect predicament."
"what does that mean?"
"oh, it means very relaxing in french."

oh geez, i could go on for days with quotes and stories and behavioral traits. mostly you are the most fun to be around. you are so goofy and i can't handle some of the stuff that comes out of your mouth. you are the most gentle to your new brother, and we have not seen a moment of bitterness or jealousy towards him, since he has arrived. of course you sometimes get sad or jealous over the amount of time spent on heath, but you never take it out on him... you are just too kind-hearted. every once in a while you are a huge butthead (yes, you're not always mr. perfect), over something ridiculous, but your sass never lasts long. we just really love you and your adorable little face too much!

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