
Friday, January 2, 2015

4 year check up

we took beckett to get his 4 year check up a little early, which turned out to be super annoying because we couldn't get any of his vaccinations done since he wasn't officially 4. so now he keeps getting surprise shots during heath's checkups. as you can imagine, he loves this. anyways... his actual check up was great. he is right on track and besides being a little allergy train wreck, is doing well. he still had trouble with the eye exam, but nobody seemed concerned. we should actually probably take him to an eye doctor, since both his parents have junkie vision. my eye doctor was actually like, "yes! get him in! not to me though! i don't do kids. like at all." oooookay then. in conclusion... here are some pictures of our {almost} 4 year old getting checked up. he is just the cutest kid i know. 

height: 41.5 inches 78%
weight: 36.8 pounds 60%

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