
Saturday, January 3, 2015

zoo lights

we went with the pierces to check out zoo lights at the woodland park zoo. it was flippin' cold, but we were prepared and bundled up and got expensive hot cocoa (except pat who had clam chowder because he is a weirdy!) and it was pretty fun. the children were pretty much just humoring us while we looked at christmas lights and nocturnal animals, biding their time until we let them ride the carousel. carousels are pretty great, i guess. after zoo lights we headed back home and made personal pizzas and exchanged gifts, but i'm a bum who took no photos of that. you can imagine in your mind, what that must have looked like. penelope got beckett the game, hoot owl hoot and i highly recommend it. it's a cooperative game, but it isn't super lame like i imagined cooperative games might be. this was our official last christmas activity... bye bye holidays, see you in 11 short months. 

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