
Thursday, August 27, 2015

15 month check up

so, i know i'm a big weirdo, but we took heath for his 15 month check up and the lighting was just really great in the waiting room and i had to take so many pictures. i'm thinking about starting a photography business where i only take casual photos of kids in a doctor's office waiting room in the late morning on overcast days. it's going to be very successful. anyway, our regular doctor, lucy, is on sabbatical, so we saw somebody different and heath did not like any part of the visit and got many shots. BUT no shots at his 18 month, so probably worth it? he is still tiny bodied and giant headed, but we think we'll keep him anyways since we like his face. 

height: 30 inches 5%
weight: 20 pounds 16%
head: 19 inches 99%

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