
Monday, August 24, 2015

sister date

saige and i went on a sister day date because we're romantic like that. we took a ferry to whidbey island and did a pretty crazy job planning our day. we had read some random stuff on the internet and just drove around to places in no particular order. we went on a hike at an earth sanctuary and got pretty lost on the celestial trail. we were pretty zen about it though. luckily a man with a verrrrrry long scarf who looked like gort from halloween town II: kalabars revenge, helped us. if you have no idea what i'm talking about, sorry there is no help for you. we had some lunch down by the water and window shopped at some crazy stores that our mom would have loved. seriously. and then we went and had a drink and some pie at a winery. you know, just all the usual stuff. i had to make our selfie on here black and white because that feels less intense to me. the camera was just really close to our faces and i should have had saige hold the camera because she has the world's longest arms. it doesn't even look like selfies when she takes it. it's true... she's a special lady with many talents. 

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