
Monday, August 31, 2015

harper is five!

it's true. another dear friend of beckett's turned five and i don't know what to do with myself. these kids are seeming so big to me these days. harper had a princess themed birthday party and i dressed beckett up like prince eric. it was pretty spot on, if i do say so myself. although, i'm not sure if a single child at that party has seen the little mermaid. kids these days. in conclusion, here are lots of pictures. i don't know why, but all the pictures at first are of babies. lonnie didn't just rudely only invite babies to a fifth birthday party though, i promise. happy birthday sweet harper! FIVE looks so good on you and we are so thankful to have a girl like you in our lives!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

15 month check up

so, i know i'm a big weirdo, but we took heath for his 15 month check up and the lighting was just really great in the waiting room and i had to take so many pictures. i'm thinking about starting a photography business where i only take casual photos of kids in a doctor's office waiting room in the late morning on overcast days. it's going to be very successful. anyway, our regular doctor, lucy, is on sabbatical, so we saw somebody different and heath did not like any part of the visit and got many shots. BUT no shots at his 18 month, so probably worth it? he is still tiny bodied and giant headed, but we think we'll keep him anyways since we like his face. 

height: 30 inches 5%
weight: 20 pounds 16%
head: 19 inches 99%

Monday, August 24, 2015

sister date

saige and i went on a sister day date because we're romantic like that. we took a ferry to whidbey island and did a pretty crazy job planning our day. we had read some random stuff on the internet and just drove around to places in no particular order. we went on a hike at an earth sanctuary and got pretty lost on the celestial trail. we were pretty zen about it though. luckily a man with a verrrrrry long scarf who looked like gort from halloween town II: kalabars revenge, helped us. if you have no idea what i'm talking about, sorry there is no help for you. we had some lunch down by the water and window shopped at some crazy stores that our mom would have loved. seriously. and then we went and had a drink and some pie at a winery. you know, just all the usual stuff. i had to make our selfie on here black and white because that feels less intense to me. the camera was just really close to our faces and i should have had saige hold the camera because she has the world's longest arms. it doesn't even look like selfies when she takes it. it's true... she's a special lady with many talents. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

olympic game farm

during our camping trip we visited the olympic game farm, which is set up as a drive through tour where you feed animals bread as they come up to your car. the kreitlows had been before and said we would need so much bread, but i was pretty surprised when 16 loaves of bread were purchased. it was so crazy. so crazy. i just feel like you need to go because i can't properly describe how crazy it is. also, the grown men enjoyed it equally as much as the boys, maybe more. every male in our car was just screaming and laughing with glee. also! i just read some more about the olympic game farm and it used to be owned by disney studios and was where they kept all their animal actors. and some of their animals that are there today still work in the movie industry. what? this place is too much. i can't figure it out. in conclusion, if you ever find yourself in sequim, with all the wheat bread, you should probably stop by this place.