Monday, May 16, 2011

beckett has the travel bug...

so, way way way back in february we took our first little tripski with b and went down to vancouver to celebrate some very important birthdays. wes turned 30 and coen turned 2. okay... that's not exactly accurate. wes turned 30 back in january, but his birthday was overshadowed by another birthday... of this kid who was born, i won't name names. coen turned 2 in march, but spent his actual birthday on the sunny shores of hawaii. clearly, the only logical thing to do was celebrate them both in february. i was very monsterous and took no pictures of their parties, but luckily jenni did. this is good since jenni is wes' wife and coen's mom. probably you should check out her blog and read about their par-tays. they were pretty much a good time.

the one picture i did take is of b sleeping soundly in jenni and wes' bed.

so... this is pretty delayed, but happy birthdays to weston and coen!!!

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