Tuesday, October 25, 2011

penelope's new home

last week b and i went over to visit margaret and penelope in their brand new house! wowie wow. it is pat's new home too... he was just at work, you know... how a majority of dads tend to spend their afternoons. their new house is faaaaaar away in everett, but it is a very cute little blue number and in a cutie neighborhood. it is also very close to the water and a hippy dippy co-op, which is right up margaret's alley. annnd it is a very old house and has very fancy old type things, like a claw foot bathtub and teeny tiny closet doors. so, here comes the bad news. and it is pretty bad. i didn't get my camera out until after penenlope went down for a nap... so i took no pictures of her! and she was being extra cute with beckett, she really loves him, but like a monster i just enjoyed the moment and didn't document it. on top of missing penenlope, i did a bad job at photographing the house at all. i have deep shame about it. i guess you will just have to go see the new house yourself if you are interested. below are the few pictures i did take. congrats on the new home, friends! 

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