Sunday, January 11, 2015

a day of celebrating four

for beckett's birthday this year we decided to go big and take a trip to disneyland! disneyland will be a 4th birthday tradition for all our children, hopefully. we decided to go in late january, so on beckett's actual birthday we just had a little get together. 

b's birthday fell on a school day again this year, so we had an early (to us) morning. beckett has been coming into our room in the middle of the night and sleeping on an air mattress on the floor, but we decided that the air mattress would be retiring on beckett's birthday... so you know he wasn't going to be missing his last opportunity to sleep on it. 

we started our morning with the traditional birthday doughnut and candle in bed. b was real confused, but still excited. 

oldies, but goodies...

beckett decided to eat most of his doughnut downstairs after he opened a few small presents from us and heath. then it was off to school!

when we got home, beckett helped me with party prep (like cupcake baking... this boy loves to help in the kitchen) and we got things all set up for dinner. beckett's dinner was mickey mouse clubhouse themed of course, in honor of the upcoming trip. also, we added beckett's 4 year mark to the growth chart! he is 3 feet and 6 inches. wowza.

we just had a few of beckett's closest friends over to celebrate and we let the kids eat at the table, while the adults sat on the ground like barbarians. we had pizza for dinner and beckett, like some sort of maniac, prefers pizza with NO cheese... just tomato sauce and pepperoni. insanity. we sang happy birthday, ate cupcakes, opened some gifts, applied mickey tattoos, played hard, and sent our friends on their way with some candy and a handy helper. we just really love our sweet four year old boy and his sweet four year old friends. let's go year four! it's probs going to be his best year yet!

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