Tuesday, January 13, 2015

beckett kol at 4 years

you read right... i bit the bullet and decided it was time to stop referring to my child's age in months during these reviews. okay. i'm not totally, completely done. he's 48 months! 48! bah. i will probably have to cut back to yearly or bi-yearly reviews too. with two kids, these quarterly reviews are killing me. better to not take the time to do them and live in the moment. and try really, really hard to be present because if i'm not documenting it anymore, i'm probably not going to remember it. at least i'll be able to relate better and stop wanting to punch old women in the face who randomly feel the need to tell me to treasure these times because they're gone in a flash. oh geez. i wouldn't really punch an old person. so. beckett. i have such a precious, special place in my heart for the boy who made me a mom. and i'll tell you what. watching him be a big brother sure ain't making me love him less. this kid has me wrapped around his finger, but i think he is just really sweet so he doesn't even take advantage of it much. or maybe i am just so delusional, i don't see what's going on. ha! either way, we're all happy, so it's all good.

nicknames: b, b kol, brother

watching you interact with your little brother is pure joy. it is so silly hearing you talk with him because you are almost always just mimicking what you hear us say. "oh hey buddy! look at you! look at your cute face! i can't stand it. i need to give you a hundred kisses right now!" you are so patient and kind with him. even when he is not listening to your words (basically all the time because he is a baby) and making you totally frustrated, you never take it out on him. you have never been the kind of kid who lashes out physically when you're angry and i'm so thankful for that. you make a great big brother and heath is lucky to have you. 

you have some real crazy texture issues. i blame this almost entirely on your dad who also has some weird texture issues. when we carved pumpkins you cried real, legitimate tears of sadness because you were forced to put your hand in the pumpkin and touch the pumpkin guts. you also like to feel the hem on your shirt and other people's shirts. you call it "checking the threads." all the time you will ask me, "do you like your shirt mom? is it cozy? can i feel your threads?" and then you will touch my shirt hem and confirm that it indeed does seem cozy. you will also often say your sock is bothering you and take it off. it's always only one sock though, and you will go around the house for hours with just one barefoot. 

beckett quote
discussing what to do together one evening
"so, you wanna play a game mom?"
"okay! candyland or marbles?"
"how about go fish?"
"ohhhhh. unfortunately you only get two choices. and they're candyland or marbles."

 you've started reading chapter books at night with your dad. it started with abridged versions of classics like treasure island, but now you are reading the full versions of books together. you just finished alice in wonderland and through the looking glass. the writing is actually quite advanced and we aren't really sure how much you are grasping, but you listen quietly and will sometimes start to laugh during certain parts that you think are funny, like the poem about mock turtle soup. you will also randomly just start talking like characters in the book during normal conversation during the day. the other day i asked you where the remote control was and you answered, "look this way and that way. look up and down. look all around the entire house. and when you find the remote... stop looking. you're done. and i'll give you a gumdrop." 

 beckett quote
telling jokes with your dad
"beckett, i have a good one. why did the train get kicked out of the library?"
"umm... because everybody hated him? ...ha!"

oh beckett kol, we love you so. you are really just such a good kid and we feel fortunate that you are ours. you are so funny... you started making up your own knock knock jokes and some of them are actually pretty good. you are so generous... if you are having a treat you will always offer to share it, no matter how small it is (and you are a full on sugar addict). you are so tender hearted... you call everything your friend, even the bugs you find at the park, that you carefully move to safer spots. you are so handsome... your little boy face is basically killing me with it's cuteness (even if your picture smile could use a little work). you are so smart... you can count really high, and you know what letter most words start with and you have a crazy, good memory. you are not perfect all the time of course, but you are perfect for our family and we just could not be more excited to watch you continue to grow and see what your future holds. it's gonna be good. 

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