Friday, October 14, 2011

9 month check up

today beckett had his 9 month check up. it was an extra nice visit because... no shots! hurray! our family doctor, lucy, moved to a new fancy buliding in seattle. it is pretty inconvenient to get to her now, but i really like her and am stressed to find a new doctor... so for now, we will make the trek. she also has a new nurse working with her at her new location, which is a little sad because we loved the old nurse. plus, her new nurse is a little crazy. she kept trying to distract b with stickers, which he kept trying to stick in his mouth, of course... because he is only 9 months. she even came running out to us after the appointment when we were leaving to give him another sticker. umm... random. beckett had a good appointment, and is right on track developmentally and we are doing great as parents too. we put him in a car seat in the back... as opposed to buckling him into the passenger seat, we don't blow cigarette smoke on him, and we keep him away from hot objects, like the oven. i know, it's impressive. lucy says that b is so freakin' cute she can't even stand it. we have to agree. 

height: 28.5 inches 55%
weight: 19 pounds 1 ounce 24%
head: 19 inches 98% (goodness gracious)

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