Friday, October 14, 2011

big fat thanks to d and s

traveling with a baby is hard. traveling with a mobile baby is harder. now that beckett is crawling and is only happy when moving around on his own, being out of the house is kind of a nightmare. being in other people's homes is a constant marathon of chasing him around, trying to move breakable or dangerous things out of his reach (which he is of course, drawn to like a magnet), and trying to figure out a way to get him to sleep, when he is really only a crib sleeper. and i don't even want to talk about the craziness of flying or the mounds of things you need to bring with you, just in case... on top of the baby bag, car seat, stroller, pack n play, and um... of course the baby. 

that's why i need to take a little time to give a shout out to dan and sarah. we recently stayed at their house, when down in the bay area, and it was really a life saver. they are good hosts in general, but they are great baby hosts. of course their home is more conducive to children because... well... they have children, but they really went above and beyond preparing for b to visit. 

they moved all the dangerous glass furniture out of the main room in their house
they got rid of all the cords and covered all the outlets
they went out and bought age appropriate toys for b
they lowered camdyn's crib (he is not using it quite yet) so b could use it safely
they went and bought all the food that b is eating right now
they have these cute live-in baby helpers named faith and mia, who were constant entertainment for b (plus baby camdyn... he doesn't help with beckett, but he is cute in the face, so that's nice)
they were willing to lend us whatever we needed... like a hip sporty bjorn
they gave us a car to borrow... after picking us up and dropping us off at the airport (sorry i almost vomited in your car. really? i am never going to outgrow car sickness? dumb.)
and... they didn't even judge when we were all still in our jammies at 2pm

are you serious? that is a lot of stuff. thanks uncle dan and aunt sarah for making traveling with a baby one million times easier. come visit us soon and we will try and return the favor! AND... we will even let you go out on a kid free date while you are here. do you remember what that is? we promise, you will like it. 

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