Thursday, January 16, 2014

a shower for baby bruner

aunt kate and uncle zac were up in washington for a weekend because kate had an interview for a residency position up here. if anybody cares what i think... anybody? i think she should really try and get it because then i will watch the new baby with my new baby and they will bestie cousin friends for life! unfortunately, it's not really my decision. anyways, kate and zac got to go to beckett's birthday party (lucky them) and nadia (zac's sister) threw a baby shower for kate. have i mentioned on the blog that kate is pregnant? well, clearly now you know. i am SO excited because our due dates are only 3 weeks apart! AND we are both having boys! and it's going to be the most fun for them to grow up together! also, i am just excited for kate and zac because they are so excited to be parents and it is just going to be so great for them. and sometimes i think about them with a sweet baby and i cry. hormonal much? moving on, the shower was a nautical theme (which also is going to be the nursery theme) and it had lots of really cute personal touches and a really delicious chicken salad that i wish i was eating right now. here are some pictures. kate, i can NOT wait to meet your tiny baby boy, i could not be more happy about your growing family! 

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