Friday, December 30, 2011

christmas eve

we spent a delightful, quiet christmas eve with just immediate family at allie and bob's new house in reno. beckett did pretty good on the flights down to reno, considering his terrible cold, and really loved his yiayia and papou's home. they have so much furniture in the living room that we could move around to make a very gigantic playpen. it was very convenient. he also loved their big dogs and started saying doggie during the trip, except his says, "goggies!" also, i have to give a shout out to matt's brother, sean, who very generously gave up his room for almost a week so we could stay in it. it is a very fancy room... with a massage chair and mini fridge! so cool. anyways, we had tamales for dinner, which i thought was kind of crazy at first, but many people have mexican food on christmas eve apparently. that's what facebook tells me, and facebook never lies. then, we got to open one gift... our matching christmas jammies! i LOVE matching jammies. also, zac got everyone these super cool bracelets that are made out of really strong parachute cord that you could unravel and use in an emergency. and bob gave us our personalized christmas ornaments. beckett got a little shoe that says beckett and "odysseus". odysseus was bob's name suggestion for beckett when we were choosing a name. AND the boys got perplexus, which is like really hard labyrinth mazes inside a ball. it is quite addicting. then we watched the christmas story portrayed by adorable children in new zealand and called it a night! we were so excited to go to bed so we could wake up and have beckett's first christmas!!!

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