Tuesday, September 29, 2015

the east coast!

we went on a trip to the east coast! we met up with yiayia and uncle sean and spent a week split between connecticut, new york, and new jersey. it was a whirlwind trip, but it was so fun to see some of the sights and to see where uncle sean is living and to go to an equestrian show he was competing in. we also got to go spend a day with matt's cousin bria and her two sweet kiddos, visit ripley's believe it or not museum, see the lion king on broadway (WHAT?! it was amazing), and visit central park. After this trip we got to mark off THREE states on our united states to visit map... now we're a fifth of the way through the 50 states. We also celebrated yiayia's birthday and our anniversary. whew! big trip. the actual traveling went exactly like i expected it to go, but matt said never so far again with a toddler. ha. thanks for the memories east coast, we will see you again one day, i'm sure!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

back to school!

beckett started his third and final year of preschool. he now goes four days a week and one of those days is devoted to science. so that should be fun. you know i signed up to volunteer on the science day that is all about pumpkins! beckett's lead teacher is the same as the last two years, but the pre-k class has two new to beckett assistant teachers. we also took care of two class pets, a salamander and a frog, over the summer and beckett's teacher seemed legitimately surprised that we brought them both back alive! apparently, the classroom guinea pig did not fare as well... since there is a new one this year. penelope will be in beckett's class again as they wrap up their preschool education. we are ready and excited for this new school year. let's go pre-k, let's go!

flashback! geez.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

seattle children's museum

on harper's actual birthday we went to the children's museum to celebrate. the museum was fun, but the lighting inside was so terrible and it made all my pictures pretty much the worst. plus, i took most of them as i was running by the area chasing a certain one year old. for some reason, i can just not skip posting them even though they're not great. so... here are some blurry pictures for you to kind of enjoy. i can't stop myself. i need help.