Sunday, January 25, 2015

california dreamin'

we headed down to california at the end of the month to go to disneyland!!! for a few days (which gets its own post...duh) and stayed for a whole week to spend time with my oma and other family. pretty much my whole family is in southern california, so it's a lot of people to see. and i wanted to see each and every person and for everybody to see beckett and meet heath! per the usual, while on vacay i was not a stellar photo taker. i regret it every single time. when will i finally change my ways? when?! probs never.

my oma meeting heath. i love this first picture. it has to be cool to meet your baby's baby's baby, right?! i spent a ton of time with my oma as a babe (i first walked in the same apartment she lives in now!) and i wish my kids could be with her more. she is the very best oma around. 

my tante lorle... my oma's sister. heath liked my tante lorle of course (everybody does), but it wasn't like when baby beckett met her. he could not get enough of her face. he just scream, laughed every time he saw her. 

my uncle jack making angry bird collages with beckett. beckett thinks my uncle jack is the coolest and i am not a bit surprised about this. he is really just down to do whatever. one time when i was like 11 and visiting for the summer, i just wandered into jack's room and asked if we could go to disneyland and he was like, "um... okay." and then he just took me! like right then! what?! that's a pretty cool uncle.

taking a walk with papa... my dad. beckett for some reason always has a lot to say to my dad and just jabbers on and on and i think my dad maybe gets like 30 percent of the conversation. he is used to just nodding and agreeing though because he talks to saige a lot. 

we went to the beach one day (in january...whatever) and did all the typical santa monica pier beachie type things... hot dog on a stick, carousel, beach playing, and we met up with matt's step brother, marc. he lives in la because he is a stuntman and is fancy.  

oh... my biggest non-photo taking regret day. we went to the valley to see my dad's family and i was such a bad picture taker! why?! i have not one photo of the boys with their cousin mason and i am SO sad about it. i did think i was going to see them again and then it didn't work out, but i should have been better!

i do have some pictures of heath with my cousin (who i call aunt) heather. i have never met anyone who loves babies like she loves babies. i pretty much didn't see heath the whole day. i also realized that heath is kind of like her namesake... what?

here's an obligatory sister picture because we are shameful about being all together at one time. it happens like every five years. i hate that. oh! you'll notice that saige came to california too! so did marcello, but he isn't in the picture. you'll just have to trust me... he was there. 

after disneyland we popped down south for a day to visit my good friend from college stephanie. she has a sweet baby girl, liana, and another sweet baby girl in her belly. (she is actually here now as i type this, BUT when we visited she was still in belly.) liana is so tiny and precious and we enjoyed getting to spend a little time with them.

that's the end! on to disneyland!!! 

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