Monday, February 9, 2015

heath kos at 9 months!

ahh! nine months already. time flies with second babies... we are moving at super speed. i will probably blink and this kid will be one! heath is doing all the things that the cool nine month olds are doing... such as crawling, eating, and being chubby cheeked. his personality is delightful and is shining through more each day. he is silly and laid back and his face is so cute i can't handle it. here are some snip-its of the happenings with our favorite little baby!

nicknames: heath-ers... bud... little brother... heathington

you love to play peek-a-boo and your brother thought he could add on to the hilariousness of this game by saying peek-a-toots instead of peek-a-boo. you bought in big time. it makes you laugh so hard that sometimes it seems like you're not breathing and we have to tell beckett to take a break. also, just the idea of it and the words are enough to crack you up. we don't even have to really be playing peek-a-boo. oh, peek-a-toots... why you so funny?

you love to put things inside of other things. your brother was super into knocking things down at this stage, but if we build a tower for you... you will just grab the blocks one at a time and put them back in the box. of course you don't always put things where they belong, so we will often find lots of crazy little things crammed into lots of crazy places. 

you have started pulling up on all the things. it is pretty cute to see you just standing there, smiling in your crib when i come to get you from a nap. or when your little head pops up at the edge of the couch. you also pull yourself up at the play kitchen and can get the cabinets open. you like to just take stuff in and out of the fridge and stick it in the sink or a pot and then you bang things around for a while. you concentrate really hard while you are doing this, like you have a real game plan. you're probably trying to remember a very complicated recipe. 

your teeth are coming in so crazily! you got the two bottom center teeth and then the two top center teeth... like normal. then one more tooth came in on top... with no sign of it's tooth partner on the other side. finally, another tooth popped out, BUT it was on the bottom and on the opposite side! what is happening?! your teeth are like perfect little squares too... like hippo teeth. even though it is a tad crazy, your smile is still the cutest. i love your giant, hippo teeth and we started brushing all 7 of your pearly whites at night. you love to mimic us... and you're not the worst at it. 

you love food so bad. all the food. you are such a great eater, i almost don't know what to do with myself. i was feeling pretty lazy about introducing foods... it's kind of a lot of work... mostly just to take the time to feed you multiple times a day, but i figured it wouldn't be too bad because you would probs hate solids and just want to nurse all the time. this was an incorrect assumption. it's actually pretty fun to watch you try new stuff for the first time and to have you sit at the dinner table with us in your little chair... eagerly awaiting your dinner too. you look extra adorable while eating, i think. 

heath! what in the world?! you are such a good baby. you definitely have your own ideas about doing things though and you are no monkey! even though you can wave and clap and mimic certain sounds you will NEVER do it on command. like ever. you are constantly making fools out of us, but we forgive you. you continue to be an extremely good sleeper and we can now add extremely good eater to the list too. you love your family, taking baths, crawling, and hiding under blankets. you are so fun to be around and we love you fiercely! we can't believe you are in the final stretch before turning the big 0-1, what a big guy!

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